The Chronicles of Heaven's War: Burning Phoenix Read online

Page 11

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  The camp was a bustle with activity when Euroaquilo finally arrived. He had been waylaid by his captains and other officers who were hurriedly attempting to finalize their duties in preparation for the Prisoner Exchange. It had been only by the middle night watch that the main body of transports and supply ships arrived at the landing site, being held off-planet until scouts could reconnoiter the location and secure its perimeters. At first light, work crews began their laborious activities of readying trains and supplies needed. Euroaquilo entered the camp just as the night crews were standing down their duties and being replaced. By the time he arrived for breakfast, the morning chill was little more than a memory.

  “Well! It’s about time you came!” A famished Zadar hurried up to greet Euroaquilo, taking the man by the arm and nearly dragging him along toward the dining tables. “I’m half starving, having to wait breakfast until this outrageous hour because of all my duties. Then, after arriving to dine… far past a reasonable serving time… I was informed that food would have to wait until his Lordship makes an appearance. Well now, let’s hurry along, your Lordship, so that I can get a little grub before I’m accused of dallying and forced to resume working on an empty stomach.”

  When the two arrived at the table, Euroaquilo was accosted with a steady barrage of complaints coming from several others who protested in similar fashion. Finding no defenders in the seated crowd, Euroaquilo began an animated delivery of the perilous adventures he endured just to arrive back in camp when he had. The man was such a good teller of tale that everyone allowed him several minutes to relay his account of desert rats and flying lizards, and his narrow escape from giant, hungry tarantulas.

  At length, Tizrela stood and kindly silenced him. “Now, please, my Lord, you’ve woven a tale fit for a book, and as long. Take your seat so that we may not expire from hunger!” She pointed toward an empty campstool near the center of the table. “The cooks have already threatened us with the burnt remains of the morning’s fare. Save the tale of your stalwart account for the evening’s fire.”

  Nodding politely while continuing to defend his tardiness, Euroaquilo managed to get to his seat. What with all the jovial handshakes and banter, it took him more than the usual time. Being so absorbed in conversation, he barely noticed whom he sat across from until Lowenah shouted her hellos above the din of the others’ merry chatter. Grinning from ear to ear, the man went on telling her the remainder of his daunting story, not paying much attention to the hot cup of brew pushed into his hand by a busy steward.

  Lowenah said nary a word, she silently smiling while resting her chin on folded hands, her elbows on the table. All the while the food was being served, she watched with mischievous eyes as Euroaquilo continued on with his account, so absorbed in its telling that the man paid no heed to those around him. On he went, even after his hot vittles had been delivered.

  Finally Euroaquilo picked up his fork and, while still talking, began stuffing the scrambled breakfast into his mouth. About the third fork full, he chanced a glance toward Lowenah’s right, his mouth falling agape, nearly dropping his fork.

  “So, what happened then?” Lowenah asked innocently, her eyes twinkling with impish delight.

  Euroaquilo did not hear a word Lowenah spoke. Blinking twice, believing his eyes were playing tricks on him, the man stared into the face of the most erotically enchanting woman he ever remembered seeing. It was several seconds before he realized the woman was Darla.

  “Da…Da…Dar…yo… yo…you…” Euroaquilo stuttered, dropping his fork. “You…”

  “I look like shit!” Darla sputtered, disgusted by all the undue attention and uninvited ogling stares since arriving for breakfast. And this was not the first fellow to have dropped his fork today. Too, the steward had accidentally spilled juice on her this morning, paying no attention to his duties. What even surprised her more was the number of willing volunteers seeking to help clean up the spill. There was even one officer who held on to her hand far too long when offering his assistance. The girl felt she must look a most pitiable sight to behold.

  Lowenah laughed, asking innocently, “So what happened next, you about to be eaten by that giant tarantula. What did you do?”

  Euroaquilo did not hear what Lowenah asked. In fact, he was oblivious for the moment that she was even there. Indeed, the man sat, so dumbstruck, he forgot he had a mouth full of food…well, did have a mouth full. The portion of his half-chewed breakfast remaining between his teeth looked quite the sight, some stray, juicy particles slowly dribbling down the man’s beard.

  “So, what did you do?” Lowenah asked again ever so innocently, though her eyes betrayed that innocence.

  Darla frowned, uncomfortable, leaning toward Lowenah. “You see how shocked he is?! I have lost one of my few lovers to this outrageous costume!”

  Darla’s movements made the tiny bells suspended on her ornate chain explode in sensual, harmonic rapture. Every man within five paces of her stopped whatever he was doing and listened to the mesmerizing music, silently searching for its hypnotic source. Euroaquilo clenched his fists, closing his mouth in a smiling grimace as he struggled to control a sudden aching in his groin. He fought with desperation a growing desire to leap across the table and passionately ravish the alluring creature so shamelessly teasing him with her charms.

  Darla was almost in tears, believing that Euroaquilo’s reaction was to her abhorrent appearance. Lowenah reached out and placed a loving hand on her arm, at the same time extending the other hand and resting it over his clenched fist, soothing ever so slightly the man’s raging ardor. Euroaquilo’s unruly passions gradually began to subside.

  Lowenah looked into the eyes of a very confused Euroaquilo, who was still struggling to bring his tortured emotional desires under control. Smiling, she asked him, “So, how do you like my darling creature now?”

  Searching to find energy to speak, Euroaquilo eventually answered, “What witchery is this? Only last evening, your darling creature and I shared sweet romance together, her loving caresses soothing and exciting me in powerful ways, yet now I sit here with such passion for this woman that I fear for her rape if this table did not separate us. What spell have you cast upon me?!”

  Grinning, Lowenah answered, “No spell have I cast. Yes, a little magic, but none that has not existed among the Ancients from long ago. In ages past, your older sister, Anna, danced to the delight of all the children in such a costume. Isn’t that right, dear?”

  Anna had been silently observing Darla and the reaction the men were having over her, pondering the reason why the woman was dressed in such a fashion. Frowning, she quietly responded, “Yes, Mother, but it was in times long forgotten. Why does my sweet little sister parade her flesh in such garb this day? For what reason does she appear as a dancer in one of our festivals? It is not by accident that you have attired her so.”

  Everyone within hearing distance was listening intently to the conversation now, many of the men glancing longingly at Darla as they waited to hear Lowenah’s reply.

  Lowenah’s hands had not moved from their hold on Darla and Euroaquilo. “Well…” She innocently answered. “A festival? A festival...well, it is sort of a festive day, or will be when the others are returned to us. Oh, but that wasn’t my reason, and I do have more than one.”

  “First, being a horse maiden is such a thankless duty, a very important one, but very tedious and thankless, none the less. I thought I’d add a little sparkle to it. I remember as if it were yesterday just how much attention your wonderful attire was noticed by the crowds when you danced for them those many ages ago. ‘What fun it would be,’ I said to myself, ‘if I could give just a little bit of that attention to my horse maiden.’”

  “Another reason was I wanted my child’s hero, here…” She nodded toward Euroaquilo. “to be in a passionate frame of mind this day. You know he has just been working so hard - both my
darlings have - I just wanted them to enjoy a good time after returning from the Prisoner Exchange tonight. Well…” Lowenah grinned teasingly, “that is if someone else doesn’t woo her first.”

  Anna scowled, not content with Lowenah’s answer, but said nothing, eventually turning away and chatting with some companions on the other side of her.

  Euroaquilo remained there in a half stupor, fantasizing about this enchanting creature sitting across from him. After Lowenah mentioned the possibility of competition, he began suspiciously glancing around at the other men, jealously wanting to protect his private possession.

  Darla still did not understand what all the fuss was about, but she had seen that passionate gaze in Euroaquilo’s eyes before, especially when the wine was on him. She looked at Lowenah, questioning what was happening.

  Waiting until things had quieted down and the others had returned to their meals and conversations, Lowenah leaned nearer to Euroaquilo, her smile fading. “Son, I suggest you remain behind with the ships. I will need you this night, your girl will. I have done what I have done this day to prove a point… to me… but to also prepare you for future events. Darla will remember your heated desires and how you are waiting for her return. That is a very important matter. So, will you be a darling and stay here?”

  Euroaquilo smiled, nodding. At that, Lowenah squeezed his relaxed fist. “Good.” She grinned, as some of her magic passed into him. A tired rush swept over the man. Barely able to keep his eyes opened, he requested to take his leave. Lowenah approved. Excusing himself from the table, Euroaquilo slowly made his way to his ship. After reaching his cabin, he fell forward into the bunk, fast asleep within seconds, dreaming about the astonishingly beautiful woman with dancing emerald-green eyes who would soon be snuggled in his warm embrace.