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The Chronicles of Heaven's War: Burning Phoenix Page 12
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Page 12
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Mihai stormed aboard the DishonPele, bursting through the officers’ wardroom door, demanding to know why her lieutenants were dallying. After a lengthy rant, she complained accusatively, “And where are my gauntlet gloves?! I need officers who support me, not ones who carelessly throw obstacles into my path. Don’t you realize just how serious a day this is?!”
Trisha slowly rose from her chair, motioning with her hand for the others to remain as they were. She turned to Mihai, offering a polite salute while bowing ever so slightly before addressing her. “My King, we were about to conclude the meeting. Already, adjuncts are seeing to our mounts and the supply train is being readied, as well as are other preparations for a successful retrieval of our companions. We…”
Mihai snapped caustically, “Good officers should be at their posts so that others can see their preparedness! Hiding behind secreted walls does not reassure others that one is prepared. Now, may I suggest, Commander, that your officers finish what little needs still to be prepared outside where watchful eyes can observe their activities.”
The suspicious tone carried on Mihai’s words did not go unnoticed. Trisha chose to ignore it. Turning to her lieutenants, she mildly addressed them and recommended they take their leave and conclude business elsewhere. As the officers shuffled out through the wardroom door, Trisha asked for a moment alone with Mihai.
“Outside, too!” Mihai scolded. “There will be no secret talk this day. And tell me truthfully, where are my gloves?”
Trisha did not immediately reply. Instead she led the way from the DishonPele and down its wide belly ramp. By the time they had reached the ground, the other officers were scattered, seeing to whatever remained of their duties. Turning to Mihai, Trisha kindly answered, “I will tell you where your gloves are, but only if you first promise to allow me a private conference with you.”
Barely able to keep her growing anger under control, Mihai fumed, “When does a yearling order about the leader over the herd?! Tell me what I ask and I may consider your request.”
Trisha smiled politely. “My Lord, the entire herd may well leave the leader should the yearling signal that it has found water, and then even the leader will follow it. Now I ask for such a little thing, only a few moments, but most important to this yearling it is. This filly seeks knowledge and wisdom to accomplish its task. Should it not then be given the attention by the aged in order to accomplish that purpose?”
“All right! All right!” Mihai growled. “I will give you a few minutes. Now tell me where my gloves have been hidden!”
Mihai’s actions were drawing attention of passersby as well as several of the work crew. Trisha gently but firmly took Mihai’s arm. “Come along then, please, to a more private spot. Too many are the innocent ears listening. My queries are for my king’s ears only.” With that, she tugged on Mihai to follow along.
After several paces, Mihai stopped up short, demanding, “Enough of this folly! Tell me where my gloves are!”
Trisha looked deeply into Mihai’s angry eyes, her dark, opaque orbs hiding all emotion. “My Lord, when we have reached the place for moot… Do not be concerned, it is not out of sight of the ships and crews. There are guards at the ready should you fear my loyalty and want to call for their assistance.”
Mihai did fear Trisha’s loyalty, not in a treacherous way, but in possibly being a clumsy oaf. She was concerned about the upcoming Prisoner Exchange and the part Trisha was to play in it. Mother had put her in such a difficult spot by making Trisha the field marshal, the chief steward, second in command next to the king, thus making her the upcoming archon.
What was Mihai to do? This Trisha creature could not be trusted with such tremendous responsibilities. One little blunder, one slip of protocol, and all might be lost. The very lives of all the prisoners rested in the hands of this untested, uncaring ignoramus. The woman had never been to any formal parley with the enemy. Why, she had not even personally met Asotos! Mihai must do something, but what?
“Lead the way.” Mihai harrumphed. “But only a few minutes... Some of us have important matters to conclude and little time for childish travesties.”
Ignoring the cutting remarks, Trisha motioned, “This way, my Lord.” Together, the two walked toward the edge of the camp and past the guards until they were some distance out of hearing range.
Releasing Mihai’s arm, Trisha turned to face her, respectfully requesting, “A word, my Lord.”
Mihai’s response was instant and resentful. “Tell me now! Where are my gloves?! I’ve played your little game long enough. Answer me! What have you done with them?!”
Trisha’s tone changed. Though respectful, her words were blunt and direct. “Point the accusing finger at yourself and stop playing the pious one. Your belt hides the treasures that you seek.” Mihai’s angry glare turned to dumbfounded shock as she glanced to her side. “How…? When…?” She stuttered. Then shaking her head, she cried, “This is not possible!”
Placing her fists on her hips, Trisha leaned forward, looking up into Mihai’s face, mildly chiding, “This is the third time you have troubled us with those damn gloves, and each time they were found on your belt. Four times breakfast has been delivered to you, only for you to go off in a fussing rant over some unfinished assignment. Your poor horse has been saddled three times, at your request, the grooms no sooner done than for them to be ordered to remove the saddle to curry the beast again.”
She shook a finger in Mihai’s very surprised face. “You have disturbed the entire camp, troubled my officers with petty demands and silly, yeomanly orders, and driven everyone to distraction. Get a grip on yourself!”
Clenching her fists as her face reddened in growing rage, Mihai angrily rebuffed Trisha. “The prattle of chatterers should be saved for wasted moments of meaningless leisure! Be off with you now! Go talk to the squawking jaybirds. I’ve no time for a mindless cuckoo!”
Trisha’s cold, black eyes bored into Mihai’s, her expressionless face unflinching, but her reply was icy. “I don’t waste your time with trivial matters. The future success of our mission rests upon decisions made and executed. You have not been acting in a responsible manner. This…”
Mihai seethed, shouting in Trisha’s face. “You stay out of my business, you! I’ve more important matters to attend to than to listen to a piss-wart from forgotten lands preach to me about my world! I should have replaced you that night at the Council, after watching your abusive tantrum. What do you know about…?”
Trisha reached out and grabbed hold of Mihai’s jacket, shoving her face up close, snarling fiercely, “Now listen up, you goddamn fool! All Hell can wait on us today! It does wait on us! It waits on you!”
Taking a step forward while pushing Mihai back, Trisha verbally accosted her. “One builds the fire with the fuel at hand. Well! All you’ve got is this miserable piss-wart! Now shut up and listen. You’ve set this universe ablaze by your very existence, burned it all to Hell. Now it rages all around you and you blame everyone else for the flaming conflagration. Goddamn it, Michael, this day is far bigger than you! Way bigger than you...” Trisha released Mihai and turned away, lamenting, “Damn it all! It’s bigger than all of us...”
Spinning around, she shook her finger in the face of her stunned speechless adversary. “The very history of our worlds pivots on coming events. God! Our very future will be measured by the outcome of this day! Woman, if you foul things up… for any reason… you will not only destroy the very ones you have come to save, but you’ll bring to ruin everything that exists, has ever existed! You screw things up today and even Sirion will curse you, should she live that long.”
By now Mihai had regained her voice, unleashing a scathing rebuke. “You are more stupid than the women who followed Asotos, believing he could still give them the love he once did! Do you really think that I am not fully aware of the dangers facing us
this day? It is you I fear more than the talking dishrags we must face at the Prisoner Exchange. You impious, impulsive miscreant! How Mother allowed your rebirth here, other than to test us out, I do not know!”
Trisha shot back, poking Mihai in the chest. “Who’s the little fool?! You! You still love the man who destroyed you! You want his favor, his acceptance! You still want his bed, to reawake all those fond memories from long ago. Your mother has given you lovers, but you treat them like little children with big cocks, something for your night pleasures, but unfit for your confidence. Romance the women to satisfy your heart, if you must. Not all of them love you, but only sell you such sweet delights for the price of stealing your dreams!”
Mihai was furious. She slapped Trisha a stinging blow across her face, bloodying the woman’s lip. “So the bitch-child calls the mistress a whore-chaser?! Worthless shit-weed, despoiler of all good things in this world, usurper of underserved power...you steal for yourself the very heart and soul of our favorite son by binding him with bewitching potions so that he can see only you even in his dreams! And you call me a whore?! Go back to the ashes from which you came…and that’s even too good for you!”
Trisha took a hand and clutched hold of Mihai’s blouse with an iron grip, yanking her forward until their faces nearly touched, unleashing a torrent of vile rebukes, the woman’s bloody spittle spattering Mihai’s face. “I’d rather be returned to the dust, or even delivered to Gehenna, than this hellhole your kind has created! Never did I ask to be here, and given the choice, I’d leave… leave you all to your righteous self-pity! But now I’m here, stuck here! And now my kind has to bail your sick asses out of the mess you got yourselves into! I’ve a job to do, like it or not, and you’re not getting in my way. I’ll take you down, and anyone else if necessary, if you give me trouble!”
She violently shook Mihai, nearly ripping her blouse. “Now you listen, and listen good! I’ll do whatever it takes to accomplish our quest! Anything! You mourn the absence of your Lady, being stuck with this far inferior shit-weed. Well this shit-weed is here and there’s nothing you can do about it! Fool!” Trisha angrily sputtered. “Don’t you see? You were set up! Set up by the man your heart still seeks acceptance from. Asotos raised the threat level to the colonies, thus forcing you to abandon the fleet to none other than your most qualified officer, Gabrielle. Now you’re stuck with this shit-weed to act as archon. Oh, what a pity! As if someone in your frame of mind could do better. What are you willing to offer him to win his favor this day? He wants your soul. Will you give it to him?”
Mihai pushed herself away, wiping her face with the back of her hand. She paused to compose herself and then scolded Trisha in bitter rebuff. “What Mother saw in you, I don’t know! You’re unfit to be a gutter waif, let alone a field marshal. You will not be my archon this day, I promise you that! Better the desert rat than you! Now be off! I’ve no more time to waste with the likes of you!”
Trisha took a step forward, glowering as she caustically replied, “You have no authority over me! My appointment was authorized by Lowenah and through the Council, at you very request. By your own mouth, you are bound by all the powers given me.” She grinned ruefully. “I stand guard over your wretched soul, sworn by oath to protect it as I see fit!” She stepped back, glancing toward the ground. “I am the fuel delivered you to build whatever fire you can. Lowenah will not provide you with any other.” She looked back into Mihai’s face, wearing a sneering smile. “You’re stuck with me!”
Mihai was stunned. Who was this miserable little creature to tell the king what could and could not be done?! With haughty rebuff, she shot back, “Then I will not use you at all! I have a large enough army with me, and… and several outstanding and trusted officers to do my bidding. I’ll build my inferno with them!”
Leaning forward into Mihai’s face, Trisha shook a finger, hissing, “You have no army!”
Mihai fell back as if receiving a blow. Trisha followed her in. “By your very own command, you demanded an oath of fealty from all your kindred to give their allegiance to me. To me! Do not play the fool and attempt a coup this day. Should you try, you will fail, and all your world will be damned forever more!”
Mihai’s face turned white as she clenched her fists in a shaking rage. All she wanted to do was smash this, this, detestable thing, and rid herself of it. What a putrid little creature… But Trisha was correct. Mihai could not risk a rupture in the company’s loyalty, not now, not at such a tenuous moment. She pondered the situation. There was one, - no two - faithful companions she could trust for their unflinching allegiance. She wasn’t defeated yet.
Regaining her composure, she glared aloof at Trisha, politely snarling, “You play your little game for now. When we return, I will take this matter up with the Council. In the meantime, I would kindly like you to remove your carcass from my ship, it only a fitting place for qualified officers. I do have the authority to demand that, don’t I?”
Trisha silently nodded.
“Good!” Mihai replied condescendingly. “May I suggest that you ship aboard one of our animal transports for the return trip? I believe the accommodations will suit your admirable qualities better. You may even find some use for your talents there, seeing you once were a camel maiden and gatherer of dung chips.”
Trisha bowed her head. “Yes my Lord, that I will do.”
“Good!” Mihai waved a rebuff and stormed away, leaving Trisha standing there, silently watching her go.
Other eyes watched, hidden from sight by distant rocks. An angry voice quietly cursed the woman standing there. “It reeks with evil malice! Why do the others not see? Die it must…”
The sound of a blade being pulled from is scabbard was interrupted by the camp horns calling an assemblage of the company. The voice cursed softly as the sword was returned to its resting place. “Another time… Another time...” it hissed as it slunk back into the shadows.
Trisha sighed, tears beginning to fall as she leaned back against a boulder. Her heart breaking in anguish, the tears became a torrent and the woman began to weep uncontrollably. Why, oh why, must it be this way? She loved Mihai so much. Every statement, every word she had accosted the woman with was a stabbing blow to her own heart. But what else was there for it? Mihai must face the Great Dragon this day, the anniversary of her attempted murder by the man. His powers were tremendous, and Mihai’s so diminished. At least, for the moment she would not be thinking of him, dreading her encounter with him this day. Now Mihai had someone new to hate, fear, feel contempt for.
The horns blew again. Trisha slowly began to make her way back to camp, tears still running in rivers. She had done what a good soldier does, no matter the cost. She was a good soldier, wasn’t she? For a moment, doubt swept around in her head. Yes! Yes, she was. Like a caring mother will sacrifice everything for her troubled child, a good warrior will give no heed to the danger to self and sacrifice everything for the betterment of the others. She was a good soldier.
A sudden rush of loneliness swept over her. She had not intentionally stolen Zadar from the others, but she did want to possess him, share him with no one. She shook her head. Still, she held no malice toward anyone, and had requested Zadar not to surrender his heart to only her. Zadar was a free man, but wasn’t she a free woman, one with a heart that burned with lonely desire? She was not a whore, never had been. All she ever wanted was to be loved, just a little selfish love. Was she being a whore just wishing to seek love?
A vision from long ago filled Trisha’s mind, bringing a wisp of a smile to a forlorn face. There, before the open hearth in the little mud hut she once called ‘home’, the woman sat holding her newborn daughter, playing with the little baby’s fingers and toes. The kettle merrily bubbled away, steaming soup filling the room with delightful aromas. Those were such wonderful times, the early days of her innocence. Oh, how pleasantly painful t
he ache to think of those days, to be returned to those days.
Looking back toward the camp, Trisha watched Mihai’s shrinking figure in the distance. How much like her own daughter might Mihai really be? Had the child lived, what would she have become. If…? Wasn’t this the very reason for her being here, to make sure her daughter would live again, awake again, but into a much better world than the one she left behind?
Mihai was her child now, her ward, her responsibility. Self-pity could not be permitted today. Trisha was delivered here to for a reason. Lowenah did not play the fool with her. Today was a new day. Asotos was going to be put on notice that he no longer had the upper hand. There was a new power rising in his world that he was going to have to contend with - a power that would eventually destroy all the evil in this universe and drive him from it.
Blinking tears away as she lifted her head up, Trisha smiled, determined. Today the universe was being put on notice. Now everyone would see that the children from forgotten lands had gathered up Hell and had delivered it to Heaven. They were the true Dragons, Warlock Magicians, the Holy Knights and rightful bearers of those titles. They would no longer skulk about in hidden places, waiting for permission to speak or be spoken to. This was the beginning day of their glory. No more lurking in the shadows of the moon. Today, in naked power, they would shine for the all the realms to see…and fear.
Trisha smiled wickedly as she tramped back toward the camp. “Yes! Come all ye Saints of D’arth and listen and be afraid! Hear the cry of those who were dead and are yet living. Shudder, for the ending hour is upon you! Fear the day of small beginnings! Fear us!”